Marketing transformation driven by innovative thinking

Our role

Insights, Digital Strategy & Innovation

As a specialist partner to GSK’s consumer healthcare brands, we have brought data and insight to the heart of their marketing activity, transforming how they connect with shoppers. This deeper audience understanding – really getting under the skin of consumers – along with a rapid experimentation model, has enabled GSK to be much braver in how they market.

Polident: Identifying, targeting, engaging, and converting new denture wearers

Denture care is a stagnant category with traditional, formulaic formats and creative tropes – dentists with white coats, shiny apples, and campaigns built around TV ads. Consequently, for any brand willing to be bolder, braver – and take some risks – there was huge opportunity. Particularly when you consider there are 19 million younger, partial wearers in the US being overlooked in the existing creative and media approaches.

By accessing critical insights around denture wearer behaviours, we were able to help GSK take a bolder approach with Polident. Our data also showed that a denture wearer’s journey starts way before the dentist chair. But no one was talking to these people.

To test our hypothesis – and help GSK take a bolder approach – we ran three pilot projects: Inspiring Creative Bravery, Media Experiments, and Value Exchanges. With these three pilots we set out to prove that the three critical components of creative, audience targeting, and consumer experience all played key roles in driving performance.

Inspiring Creative Bravery

“Inspiring Creative Bravery” took creative ideation into territories not explored by healthcare brands. This included ideas around humour, mental health, empathy – and even Michael Jordon.

As well as new territories, the focus was on speed of ideation: a new, quick fire ‘concept only’ style briefing process resulted in ten diverse, bold, testable ideas in two weeks. These were then tested against controls. The results were clear, with more humorous concepts performing much better than the control.

Denture care – we had assumed – was not meant to be treated as something to laugh about. Our tests proved otherwise.

Media Experiments

These targeted, digital media experiments used a broad range of smart data signals to find younger, new denture wearers who wouldn’t necessarily have shown up in standard media planning.


  • Over 20% lift in purchase intent for new denture wearers
  • 10% lift in awareness of new denture wearers


Value Exchanges

As part of preparing for a cookie-less future, the Value Exchange pilot tested a set of different consumer propositions, with ‘value’ provided in return for customer data.


  • 40% value exchange conversion rate achieved
  • Full rollout of two value exchanges on new website in Q1 2021
  • Full two-year first party data strategy built for Denture Brands

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Much more than dentures

Our success on Polident led to providing support on many more GSK CHC brands:

Providing fresh insights into unusual lockdown buying behaviours; giving clear guidance into new audiences and how to maximise value in economic downturn.

Consumer obsession programme, rapid DCO development and data-driven tools and services creating new routes into brand. Helping the move beyond cookies.

Introducing new approaches to solve the big parodontax challenge of increasing condition awareness. Pushing boundaries on creative approach – in a structured way.

Leading creative and digital innovation, rapid research and strategy in action with a new master-brand approach.

Enriched shopper analysis and productised social listening. Real-time pollution data filter for Instagram. MVP in 7-days.

Services we provided:

  • Market & competitor benchmarking
  • Trend alerting & innovation insights
  • B2B & consumer panel research
  • Audience segmentation & behavioural insights
  • Measurement & effectiveness frameworks
  • Data-driven communications strategy
  • CRM, 1PD & loyalty strategy
  • Opportunity mapping & innovation
  • Digital transformation
  • Content strategy
  • Digital product UX and design
  • Rapid prototyping & testing
  • Global content guidelines & support
  • Multi-market dynamic dashboards & marketing insights
If you would like to find out how we can drive growth for your brand, please get in touch
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